Holistic Birth Education

We provide evidence based education to help you and your birth partner feel empowered and knowledgeable throughout pregnancy and birth.

We want you to feel prepared to work with your able body and baby so you can birth without fear and make informed decisions about what is right for you and your baby.

We aim to prepare you for a full mind, body and soul birthing experience.

What you’ll get for your investment:

  • Education from midwives with a combined 25 years experience in the birth space.

  • Confidence in your innate ability to birth.

  • A unique holistic approach that gives you an intimate space to delve deep into your power and wisdom.

  • Help to entrust your primal instincts and be guided by your intuition.

  • The support you need to build your postpartum village.

  • Love, care and empowerment in your journey to parenthood.

What will sessions cover?

Session One: Trust and Empowerment

  • Sacred circle opening  

  • Hormonal physiology

  • Normal physiological childbirth  

  • Working with functional pain  

  • Birthing statistics in current birth culture 

Session Two: Preparing your body for labour & birth

  • Labour toolbox – breath work, relaxation techniques, acupressure, sounds in labour, water immersion, sterile water injections, TENS, yoga nidra 

  • Preparing your body for labour & birth 

  • Optimal fetal/maternal positioning    

  • Pelvic floor physiotherapist & Acupuncture

Session Three: Making Informed Choices

  • Human rights in childbirth

  • Induction of labour 

  • Pharmaceutical pain relief  

  • Monitoring & screenings offered in pregnancy & labour 

  • Cascade of interventions 

  • Assisted vaginal birth

  • Caesarean section 

  • Birth planning & preferences  

Session Four: Postpartum - It Takes a Village

  • Perinatal emotional health

  • Breastfeeding education 

  • Skin to skin 

  • Common vaccinations & screenings offered 

  • Normal newborn behaviours 

  • Caring for your baby  

  • Postpartum planning  

  • Establishing your village 

  • Sacred circle closing  

Join us:

Saturday 5th 10-4:30pm
Sunday 6th 10-4:30pm
SALE, 3850

Tuesday 26th Nov 6-9pm
Thursday 28th Nov 6-9pm
Tuesday 3rd Dec 6-9pm
Thursday 5th Dec 6-9pm
SALE, 3850

APRIL 2025
Saturday 5th 10-4:30pm
Sunday 10-4:30pm
SALE, 3850

Saturday 15th 10-4:30pm
Sunday 16th 10-4:30pm
SALE, 3850

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment