Who Are We?

Sisters. Mothers. Midwives. We are all that, and more - with a passion for empowerment and birth. Sista of Soul was born from whispered dreams for the future and a whole lot of what ifs.

What if birth could be better? What if women could feel empowered in every step of their journey? What if we gathered a community of likeminded people to make it all happen?

And here we are.

Sista of Soul is a a dream brought to life and we are so excited to share it with you.

Stay tuned. x

Meet the Team:

Get to know the girls who brought their dream to life. From the small seed of an idea to a fully fledged business, we wouldn’t have been able to do it without each other.

  • Growing up with two sisters, I declared I was “never having boys” as I knew nothing about them… But the universe held other plans for me & they sent me three gorgeous baby boys to love & adore (I had 3 under 3 & a half) - they have taught me more about our world & myself than I could have ever imagined (I’m now well versed in Marvel & Star Wars characters).

    I’m lucky enough to be married to my best friend Stu, my biggest supporter & I’m completely outnumbered in my house (inclusive of Ollie our GSP puppy) & I wouldn’t change a thing

    I’ve travelled the world & I’ve lived in Sweden & England. I worked in a Swedish hospital in Jönköping as part of my undergraduate nursing studies in the Paediatric ward, what an experience!

    Upon my return I was lucky enough to secure a spot in the Graduate Nurse Program at The Royal Children’s Hospital in 2006, working as a Paediatric Nurse, gaining so much knowledge & experience in my first few years as a Nurse.

    I moved to London for a year where I worked as a Nanny, returning home to commence my postgraduate studies in Midwifery.

    • Registered Nurse

    • Registered Midwife

    • Childbirth Educator – Childbirth Educators Training Program, The Royal Women’s Hospital

    • Reiki Practitioner – Level 1 & 2

    • Birth Worker Trainee – Student of Rhea Dempsey’s “Birth Attendant Training” with completion December 2023

    • “Yoga of Birth” – in training with Bhakti Rose

    • Working with birthing energy

    • Babies – delicious

    • Woman centred-care

    • Meditation circles

    • The moon & working with its glorious power

    • Crystals & Essential oils

    • Acting - amateur theatre productions (I’ve written my own play, titled “with woman”)

    • An icy cold can of Diet Coke - yuhmm

    • Nourishing food

    • Yoga

    • Friends

    • Gardening

    • Meeting new people

    • Fav song to bust a move too - “I wanna dance with somebody” (RIP Whitney)

  • I grew up on a dairy farm and was literally in love with farming life.

    I eagerly bounded out of bed for early morning milkings and often pulled sickies at school as all I wanted to do was work with Dad on the farm.

    This is where my obsession with birth started – calving season was my all-time favourite! Checking the calving paddock each night with the spotlight; looking at the cows udders and vaginas for any signs of labour; keeping a close eye on those cows that were in the corner of the paddock wondering around alone; looking for any little hooves popping out of their mamas to say hello; and then waking up to new life in the paddock:

    Honestly, nothing thrilled me more.

    I loved assisting Dad with difficult births and even helped the vet perform a caesarean section once! I was just in awe of the whole birth process, watching that calf take its first breath as it hit the ground and then watching that incredible innate bond when that cow realises what she’s created.

    Then that first breast feed – oh, I could go on and on!

    I began working as a nurse and midwife in 2013. My love of pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding seems to just continue to grow. I have a wonderful partner who continues to support me in all that I do. Together we have two beautiful boys.

    Becoming a mother has fulfilled me as a person and I am so lucky to have the life we live.

    I am so proud of what Fi and I have created with Sista of Soul and cannot wait to educate and empower families about all things birth and babies!

    • Registered Nurse since 2012

    • Registered Midwife since 2012

    • Reiki Practitioner Levels 1 & 2

    • Catching up with my gals absolutely fills my cup and always ends in belly laughs and tears rolling down our face

    • If there’s a live band at any event, you can find me on the D-floor!

    • Nothing beats camping life: fresh air, a fire, no technology, no reception = bliss!

    • I can’t function in the morning until I’ve had a coffee

    • I enjoy all things food